Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What If....

Have a funny thought on what if

Government took over all the people debt from loanshark
1) Now the government held the debt those loaner own
                    i) Therefore people own government the money they "used to" own government
                   ii) The amount they can return be long term or short term
                  iii) The amount they return per month can be depend on their worth
                  iv) If the money they own is more den their worth
                   v) They will be sold be it organs or be property of the government

       Conclusion, People who borrow from loan shark will be deem as slave of money that must either          repay their worth or die.

However there will lots of moral issue and freedom issue to think about....
This is the most extreme way to deal with loanshark and those O$ loaner and with no darkness, people would not feel the different when there is light..

Should the slave system be back to deter people from illegal loan? on?