Officially 16-10-2009 is my last day working in swissotel for YEAR 2009
Just couldnt believe it, i had pass 3 week of my holiday working.
Started work on 21-9-2009 and it ended so soon...
Been making lots of new friend across Singapore at the work place
As a Runner in hotel rocks!!!
Haha that the one of the best part time job u can ever get for first working experiences
U get to observed many people in hotel:
- The Tired
- The grumble
- The Happy-Go-lucky
- The Troublesome
- The Busy
- The family sort
- Etc. Etc.
Haha, after this should be some Testimonial:
Communication Dept
Manager: Wendy
Asst Manager: Mimi, Sharon
Officer: Lavin
(The very very busy senior offiicer tha t is working on my first day there, therefore she is quite important as she provided the ice-breaking environment for my first day working. Her "speech" can be very very lame that only i know when to laugh at it. SomeTime i can laugh till she buey tahan me cause i keep laughing at her. She is 30+ still looking for her Mr. right. Intrested please contact me for her number. But beware, there is more than one love rival for u once u step in as a new challanger.) Hmmm... before my last day, she reminded me to say something good about her to my classmate. So here i go... say "something good about me"... HAHA
Operator: SRY!!! I couldnt remember most of the name so i decided not to write any
- Wee Hao ( that me!!!)
The small and childish looking kidz. Been ask by lots of peeps of hs actual ages and been disturb alot by people who is asking him wat primary he was in....
After the F1 period in the hotel, extented two more week working there and been given title: Harry Potter. (He hate it alot) because he is so hyper and seldom stop working because he is afraid he will fall alseep in work. Special skill, fly around the dept - Samual
My first "Teacher" that show me around wat to do and where to go, what to write on a note book and wat to say. My first buddy in the job. The friend of Alan and salvia (that two is one day younger than me to go in HAHA which make the second and third friend i make). He has a amazing speed in doing his job. ^_^ - Dave
My so-call second "teacher" because i buddy him at the second day... but mostly he tested me what i had learn during my first day. ^_^ Only see him twice and he disappear for holiday somewhere. Nickname by Ida: The unstoppable mouth
- Uncle Rajan
Mr Fax Man, quite big size at his arm. One punch can cause u blue black. Used to be a doorman. Erm... Disturb people alot. Although he was a Indian, his chinese rocks. He usually sing chinese song and disturb the housekeeping china worker till they buey tahan and scold uncle Rajan. Can be very Funny if u r there to see it. - Uncle Chong
The Telephone Expert, if there is any spoilt phone in the hotel room, we usually ask him to help to solve the problem. But my first "teacher" to teach me laundry return, and he teach me the trick to do it fast and how push the trolley loaded with laundry. - Auntie Elisa
The mother of Kelvin. She is very kind. Really. Been talking to her alot when working there but the topic erm... not intresting to you all and i so-call... forget the topic le. hehe - Big Sister Ida (i dun wan to be killed calling her auntie)
The fairmont side runner, she has a speed the is awesome when doing job. She was doing very fast and even when there is alot of pending job, she never ask for help. However people also seldom have the chance to ask her to help. She love to cook her own food forher lunch or dinner cause she like to eat what she love to eat. But becareful not to step on her or provoke her or u gonna get a scolding that u would never ever like! - Auntie Robiah (it sound like ruby though)
Also fairmont side runner, she is quite straight forward when telling u thing. Some may not like it though. But her experience is quite rich. The first teacher of Alan and salvia
- Uncle Hussain
Mr good morning uncle. No matter what the time of the day, he always say good morning in chinese. He teaches me the art of "eat snake" however it was not something i can learn so easily beacuse u need a extraordinary body likes he that can complete jobs very fast. He was a part time runner but a full time security. He know his way around and zoomz there he goes. - Uncle David
Full time security. Only see him once as runner... - Kelvin
Aunti Elisa son. Working as per timer. Married. Been before a bagpacker. Chat with him alot. Sort of one of my closer friend inside. Last day 13th october as runner. 19th oct will be starting his full time job as a salesman. - Guan Long
Hmmm, nothing much to say about him.... Used to be my secondary school classmate though. The same buddy samuel as me for his first day. But 1 year before he was already working at swiss at swissotel as house keeping. So experience... Last day 11th october, he getting a new car and go havoking! - Ah Yao
Many said that he look like me. Can e my father or long lost brother. But i think what connect us is because we were wearing similar specs. Last day at 10 or something october. He is going NS soon. - Alan
Mr panic... At start he is ok with one or two jobs. However when the walkie start to ring with 5 jobs he will get panic. But after three week, he gotton used to it. Once he got to handle 21 wake up call. Haha he said that he was at Biz Ctr at that time and his walkie ring 5min non-stop and he couldnt do anything as the job keep coming in. Haha tough on him, people even thought that his walkie spoilt liao. Been chatting and partner him for lunch and dinner. Haha on the last day, chatted with him alot and he used to have one attribute that is same as me but... SECRET. BLAH!!! - Salvia
Alan and samual friend. Erm do not know what to say... Very small size, the fairmont uniform couldnt fit in... Erm... Erm.... really dont know... - Shaleh
A very handsome guys... Quite smart... Used to work in housekeeping when he is in ITE. Now a poly student. A brief history: when he work in housekeeping that time, he got one officer that look down on ITE student, and also like to bully others people. One day a eventful event happen. I forget what happen. AND he said this to her: "Do not look down on ITE student, one day i going to show u what i can do." Few Year Later, he was back, and he met her (the officer again). She ask: " so where are you from" and he reply: "poly". That officer was like so shock and she could only reply: "..... erm.. ok." And shaleh did it. - Monirul
Hmm. He got a weird smirk on his mouth that i wan to erased.... That all! - Herwin
A very very Mr. Careful. He always double check when he doing job. Erm... when tag team with shaleh to disturb me. Is quite irritating... Not quite, but very irrtating... - Weas
A long time part timer.... Erm only met him once - Hui Ying
RP attachment student working during F1 period. She look quite like SanShui women without hat and pair with samuel SanShui man, they will be a pair for phototaking.... Haha... - Dila
Hmmm....Also a RP attachment student. she look like always on phone. Smsing smsing and smsing. Think she got multi-million business with her boyfriend. Hehe. - Yan Ting
Ms Kan Chiong Spide.The last of three attachment student from RP. The person who say my lame joke and words very childish.... And she also say Alan speak like a old man... Hmm, she like korean language... - Aidil
Friend of Monirul. He got weird smile always on his face. He like look at mirror and do his hair alot.... ROLL eyes.... Once i told him a stupid joke when he making milo drink. Add milo power, some sugar and milk.... and put some chemical X. BOMB! u got a milo MONSTER!!!! - Daniel
Friend of Mimi, hmm the only one that can withstand A and B shift like me. Has a way of doing his own thing... - Nazri
A old time not see runner. He used to be in communication dept when they are still using pager to run around. Haha quite old. - Shaiful
The younger brother of shaleh. See him once only.
The Add-on (decide not to say anything...)
- Chiang Zhi Hao
- Zhen Quan
- Wang Cong
- Hui Yock
- Juilance (sry couldnt spell ur name I know "my bad")
Hmmm Let Start at 15-10-2009 (thursday)
Work morning shift 7am-3pm.
After work went home for a change and ready for runner gathering at Singapore Flyer
8 of us turn up
Ah Yao (the organiser)
Hui Ying
Went to meet them at Marina Square Mac
Couldnt recall where to go and call for help.
Stupid Shaleh tell this:
Take hogwarts express from platform 12 3/4, meet ur friend ron hermonie and they will lead u there.
Man i really for get how to go at that point of time....
Lucky i suddenly recall and meet them...
Went to popeyes for dinner at 6++++ near to 7pm
Saw Hui Teng my secondary school classmate with her JC classmate eating at popeyes. Exchange Hi and i go with my friends to search for tables...
HUI TENG U R SO COLD, after 2 years never meet we only talk for 2 sentences T.T
Stupid sister.....
Haha just kidding...
Ah Yao treated us to dinner ^_^
After dinner we went on flyer for 30mins....
Ticket price was $10 for students...
And Ah Yao was saying, wasted his first time on friend... Hmmm, what it mean i wonder?
Have alot of photoshot with them...
But i dun have his msn... So who care. Uploading it is slow anyway... decided not to have any to put up here.
16-10-2009 (friday)
Hmm decided that friday will be the end.
Work Double shift A + B 7am to 3pm and den 3pm to 11pm
16 hours including 2 hour of break and 14 hours of work
Decided to write the whole log of what i have been doing for friday.
05 00 Wake Up
05 35 Leave Home
06 55 Report to work
07 00 Talk the walkie and pack some amm.
07 09 Went for breakfast with Alan
07 18 Walk around doing Job with Alan
07 30 Rush back to comm dept Found out that i take the wrong walkie 1106 instead of 1107. Therefore explain why i do not have any pending job.
07 32 Recieved 5 pending job as fast as i switch on the walkie. Luckily saiful was there and he spilt Job with me.
07 40 Rush to Guest room 4252 to deliver HairDryer
07 42 Rush to Exc Club to pick up room 5850 laundry
Return back to comm and found out i forget to go to lobby for every morning laundry pick up
08 00 Pick up laundry at Lobby for guest room 3660, 954, 2861, 4460
08 03 Go to room 3952 to deliver newspaper.
08 14 reach STS Front Desk to deliver Fax2993
Met Aunty Elisa on the way back and she helped me deliver two hair conditional ^_^
08 33 Ldy Pickup for room 2571
After that recive alot of Job But....
09 14 Wake up Call at room 2658
09 18 Deliver Fax2994 at room 3161
09 20 Reach STS airline Desk deliver Fax 2999, 2997, 2998, 2995 and 001
09 26 Gotton D&D (do not disturb) Laundry and deliver it to room 1263
After that went to Biz Ctr to get a Fax
09 31 Went to deliver 3 pin adapter to room 3063
09 39 Went to room 2260 deliver the Fax gotton from biz ctr.
Found out that two ofmy job got cancel and reassign to aunty Elisa but on the way met her and since i no more pending job, i help her with my two assigned job. ^_^
09 41 Room 2267 laundry pick up
09 42 Room 2269 laundry pick up
After that have some rest at pantry before job incoming again.
09 55 Room 6553 ldy Pick up
Have a long long rest after that chit chat in pantry because market slow down le after 10am le . ^_^
10 42 Room 1042 1 sewing kit (think she wan to sew something...)
10 44 Room 2756 deliver Fax 006.
And finally My friend Wang Cong came at 11am for Work
11 13 Room 3271 1 Iron (not the element iron but the iron clothes Iron)
After that i bring to communication the spoilt iron i recive from room 3271 and... IT SMELL DAMN BAD. SMOKE COME OUT OF IT and YUCKS. QUICKLY THROW IT AWAY.....
(The truth is i on it see smoke still asking erm.... is it spoilt??? I continue ask Aunty Elisa. Suddenly got 3 person yell at me to off it, it is spoilt. I quite like too dumb and slow to react... LOL)
11 32 Room 1363 Remote Control (went for two trip with wang cong.... and found out our remote control couldnt work for volume.... In the end request for engineering help... :( failure... Haha nvm)
12 23 Room 1265 ldy pick up
Went for break at 13 00 for lunch....
13 30 back from lunch and get one reassigned job back from wang cong...
13 49 Room 3562 deliver 2 Blanket (why it took so long? At first need to find blanket, after that i go to room 3652 to deliver it to found out i was sent to the wrong room by the frontdesk or something, walkie back to comm and learned the correct room again...)
14 07 Bring a standing Fan and a extension cord back to communication dept from house keeping dept.
14 12 Room 3760 for Fax 013
14 26 Room 3752 1 bath towel back when i reach there, the guest wan another one so i bring it lor... what can i do
14 31 Room 3560 Bring two towel
On the way back receive one job i feel like crying...
14 38 Bring a Fan there, go Comm dept take.... Get wang cong to help me to bring it over to 17th floor...
After that went back to comm to rest until 14 45 where there is meeting for B shift people... Got two new job at 14 55 but it was later reassign because of change shift...
After 15 00 change to High-Rise runner
15 38 Room 6067 Rtn D&D laundry
15 41 Room 6156 2 BathRobe and 2 Toiletry Set (consist of Body Gel, Shampoo, Conditional, Body Lotion, Comb, Shower Cap and Cotton Buds.)
16 00 Room 6156 Deliver one Strait Times Newspaper
16 02 Room 4661 Fax 023
16 03 Room 4669 Fax 018
16 04 Room 4162 Fax 016
Arr than suddenly alot of Jobs that make walkie ringgggggg
Luckily we have people just for laundry rtn so i cut down on three Job... Namely Room 5858, 4764, 6666 done by Herwin. Hehe!
16 08 Room 4252 Deliver 3-Pin adapter (At that time he request for 2-Pin adapter but i reckon his appliances is 2-Pin + i only have 3-pin adpt on my body at that time, so i deliver 3-pin adpt instead, and it work... Lucky.... No extra trip back to Comm... From floor back to dept need 5min to and 5 min fro....)
16 25 Went to room 4467 for phone testing and from out the phone has no problem at all... The guest do not know how to used phone line 1 and 2 thats all -_-
16 14 Room 4255 for 3 Bath towels
16 20 Room 5055 2 Comb. (Lucky i have it around with me do not need go back comm again)
16 35 Take one box from biz ctr and deliver to guest room 4354. Help him pack some paper into the box.
17 17 Excort IT valet to Room 2054 (Is actually somebody job... Finally got some rest and... T.T)
17 41 Room 5061 1 Fan. (from 17-41, run around to get one fan... Run to floor 15 of swiss to find, that found out is floor 15 of fairmont, do not know how to go to the raiser, so Yani get Herwin to help me. Meet Wang Cong on the way to help me bring the Fan. But halfway, he got job.... So went to deliver on my on... On floor 50, find some tissue to clean the Fan cause it is dusty...
18 02 Room 5059 Bath Salt (find quite long as i thought is the cube sort of Bath salt but found out is very powder form de...
18 03 Room 5062 Ldy P/up (actually at first i blur tot is ldy rtn, so i find very long... after that den found out is ldy p/up...)
This is a total chaos and mess out make by me before the break... Last three job before break... Look like food is important for word afterall....
18 08 Went for Break for Dinner with Zhen Quan...
19 00 Back from break found out that Herwin deliver ldy for 6552 but 6552 has D&D sign. Since there is time for the Laundry Rtn, he left it at the crest desk with some lady.... Chiang Zhi Hao dun be sad for ur vitamin M. Herwin missed his chance too. It is all fated.
19 37 Go room 6556 to collect BroadBand modem (forget to take the charger...)
19 54 Room 4671 deliver 3-Pin adpt.
Tio called back to comm on the way....
Found out that at the room 5059, that bath salt one, i mess out the whole toilet as i pour the salt on the tray.... Guess complain, officer tio shoot, i tio shoot. And found out that for the Broadband modem i forget to take the charger also....
Stupid Mistake for the last day.....
20 07 Room 4857 3-pin adpt
20 13 Room 6556 to take the Charger...
2o 57 Room 5858 3 ldy Bag
Then rest for quite long rawr! Rest chit chat and den.....
22 40 Zhen Quan last 20min chiong like mad, over 10+pending job.... Guest bully Him....
22 46 Room 4552 Remote Control
22 48 Room 3953 Remote Control (actually i bring one remote control with me to room 4552, but lucky i got bring extra battries... so i bring a good one go room 4552 exchange for the spoilt one, and insert new batteries and bring to room 3953. Mission Done)
22 55 Since It was my last day, i decide to pack the tea pack to the name and it took me quite sometime, there are English Breakfast, Grey Earl, Emperor, Jasmine Queen, Mint, +one more i forget the name....
Finish work at 23 10, went home with Zhen Quan
23 48 Zhen Quan went down at Clem Station
23 50 Psp Sudden went dead on me... SOB SOB T.T U have done well psp.... I will get u repair soon...
After that is brand new day.... It look weird but who care
24 18 Reach Home
25 00 Slp
Tips of the Last Day: $0. Yup u saw correctly $0. Hehe. Lucky i believe work for work not for tips if not how to hang on like "sombody"....! Dun worry i targeting on one person only Hehe.
That all fokes!
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